

Help for Red, Reactive Skin is Here

Help for Red, Reactive Skin is Here

Posted by Lisa, Aesthetics Manager on on Feb 16th 2024

When skin flushes easily, the social discomfort can be even more uncomfortable for some. Being asked “are you okay?” or “did that embarrass you?” can bring unwanted attention to a sensitive skin con … read more
Strong Women. Strong World.

Strong Women. Strong World.

Nov 2nd 2020

November is National Gratitude Month, and with Thanksgiving bringing this month to a close, this seems a perfect time to count blessings. For the team at clara, having clients that are investing in be … read more
5 Antioxidants to Consider Adding to Your Skin Care

5 Antioxidants to Consider Adding to Your Skin Care

Posted by Lisa, Skin Consultant on on Oct 18th 2019

Once in awhile a new client and I are discussing their skin and I am asked if product alone is really going to make any difference. It is a fair question. Many of us (me included) have spent years, mo … read more
5 Ways To Have Your Best-Looking Legs For Summer

5 Ways To Have Your Best-Looking Legs For Summer

Posted by Lisa, Skin Consultant on on Jun 28th 2019

Summer temperatures and more time spent outdoors – a combination that for many of us means less clothing and more attention paid to parts of our body. Upper arms, elbows, thighs, and knees can suddenl … read more