

Help for Red, Reactive Skin is Here

Help for Red, Reactive Skin is Here

Posted by Lisa, Aesthetics Manager on on Feb 16th 2024

When skin flushes easily, the social discomfort can be even more uncomfortable for some. Being asked “are you okay?” or “did that embarrass you?” can bring unwanted attention to a sensitive skin con … read more
What Happens in a Visia® Consultation?

What Happens in a Visia® Consultation?

Posted by Lisa, Skin Consultant on on Jul 23rd 2020

Have you ever wanted to peek at your skin and see what is going on with it? With a Visia® Skin Analysis, you get a chance to see how you compare to others your age for aging concerns such as lines/w … read more
The Woes of Wearing a Face Mask (and 5 Tips to Help)

The Woes of Wearing a Face Mask (and 5 Tips to Help)

Posted by Lisa, Skin Consultant on on May 22nd 2020

Like all of us, I am adjusting to wearing a face mask the majority of my day. My colleague, Victoria, and I were just talking about how strange our face feels after removing our masks for the day. Bey … read more
Taking Care of Clara

Taking Care of Clara

Posted by Lisa, Skin Consultant on on Mar 26th 2020

Is there a single person out there that isn't going through a complete change in what daily life was like not that long ago? From how we work, where we can go, and who we are spending are days with - … read more
5 Antioxidants to Consider Adding to Your Skin Care

5 Antioxidants to Consider Adding to Your Skin Care

Posted by Lisa, Skin Consultant on on Oct 18th 2019

Once in awhile a new client and I are discussing their skin and I am asked if product alone is really going to make any difference. It is a fair question. Many of us (me included) have spent years, mo … read more